Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's Almost 2009! Happy Happy!

I can't believe that we're already at the end of 2008. It just seems like yesterday that I was a little kid, hanging at the Hum Dinger with my dad, sharing a swirl soft serve. 2009!? It sounds so far in the future -- and then I realize that it's just about to start. We're in the future - we ARE the future. Oh boy so heavy...and so exciting!

Of course, the holidays are always a lovely time of year - mixed with emotions, stress, family and friends. Sometimes all the emotions and stress come from family and friends! LOL. But seriously, I spent some quality time with my family and really was reminded how much love I have in my life. I am thankful for my parents (married 45 years in Feb!) and my 3 other brothers (12, 10 and 7 years older than me!) who all played a huge part in who I am today...and what type of parent, wife and friend I will be tomorrow.

I saw this commercial the other day and am so glad it's been posted up on YouTube. Coming from a home where my dad was present and an influential part of my life, I find great truth in this 30 second spot. Let's go into the new year remembering positive intent. Be the good neighbor. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Times have been pretty rough and I think if we all just get back to our basics, things can possibly become a little better. If anything, try to get through your day with a smile on your face - they're contagious! Happy 2009!!!

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